Riverwood Christadelphians
Attend this Seminar and discover the forgotten book – the Bible!
If you find reading the Bible difficult or frustrating at times, then this seminar is for you. Six concise and informative sessions are delivered in a friendly, comfortable environment. They are aimed at equipping you with the skills and determination to understand the Bible for yourself and benefit from a new appreciation of the Bible. Whether you are familiar with the Bible or new to reading it, you will away with loads of information and new energy to begin reading more effectively.
Reasons why you should attend…
No obligation. No one will attempt to “convert” or “save you”.
FREE. You will never be asked for money to purchase materials or to make donations of any kind.
You can learn about the Bible in the comfort of your own home.
Learn and fine tune skills which allow you to read the Bible with a better understanding than before.
Make your Bible study more productive with less time.
You will understand more and know where to look to keep it moving at an enjoyable pace.
The Bible explains God’s purpose and what he wants from you.
Quit at any time with no strings attached.
Questions others have asked
Q. What if everyone knows more than I do?
A. We assume no prior knowledge of the Bible and understand that everyone is eager to learn.
Q. Who is paying for the seminars and why?
A. The Seminars are funded by the Christadelphians who think it is important that everyone has the opportunity to learn about the Bible for themselves.
Q. Will I be put under pressure to become a Christian?
A. No. We help you read and understand the Bible and then you decide what to do with that knowledge.
About Bible Seminars
Bible Seminars is an organisation of like-minded individuals who want to help people read their Bible more effectively and discover its message. We are members of the Christadelphian (meaning “brothers and sisters of Christ”) community who believe in the teachings of Jesus and the first-century apostles as recorded in the Bible.
​Our Commitment to you …
You will never be asked for money
There is no obligation—you can leave at anytime
You will not be put under pressure to be a Christian